Feb 11, 2011

Poetic Acts of Living

Poetic Acts: "Boldness, humor, an aptitude for questioning the postulated mediocrity of ordinary life, and a love for the free act. And what is the definition of a poetic act? It should be beautiful, aesthetic, and without any justification. It can also lead to some violence. The poetic act is a call to reality: One must face one's own death, the unforseen, our own shadow, the worms that swarm inside of us. This life that we want to be logical is really crazy, shocking, marvelous and cruel. We claim our behavior is logical and consistent, but it is, in fact, irrational, crazy, contradictory. If we lucidly observe our reality, we would affirm that it is poetic, illogical, exuberant. In those times I was, without a doubt, immature, a young, harebrained, insolent kid; this does not deny that that particular period taught me to perceive the crazy creativity of existence and to not identify with the limits the majority of people enclose themselves in until they cannot bear it anymore and burst." - Alejandro Jodorowsky, "Psychomagic"

1 comment:

  1. It certainly more liberating to think in poetic terms in general :)
