Perhaps a strong indicator of how dehumanized many of us are is the fact that we have much stronger feelings of excitement about the weekend approaching, rather than mourning and sorrow over all the catastrophes currently happening all over the globe- even right around the corner.
I mean wtf is this with Arizona? How can they possibly pass such a racist law? And now Oklahoma is eyeing a similar law! How can this land of immigrants be so incredibly racist. Is anybody out there seriously a native U.S. American? Well no... unless you were related to one of the native americans or perhaps that British that exterminated them.
The Daily News states that the passage of Arizona's controversial SB 1070, which calls for police in that state to use "reasonable suspicion" to question and detain possible undocumented immigrants, is supported by 51% of Americans, a new Gallup Poll says." Since when can a police officer arrest you simply because you look foreign so you must be an illegal immigrant. Are these police men even that smart? They're just going to make their decisions based on their opinions and judgments of factors including skin color and accent.
At a Tea Party rally in Ramona, California on Saturday, Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter told the conservative crowd that he supports the deportation of children of illegal immigrants. These are kids! Seriously what kind of human being is Duncan Hunter?
Then there's the oil spill. Oil, one of our most expensive commodities that so many human beings have died over is now not only lost, but is also contaminating our already endangered and polluted oceans and killing thousands of species of fish. Here's an interesting article about what's happening.
So I feel very guilty... I shouldn't be happy that my weekend is here. Maybe this is life, one catastrophe after another, maybe that's the culprit of our dehumanization.